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Associate Members – Polish Institutions

Affiliation: The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Center for Philological Studies and Scholarly Editing)

Research field: textual scholarship, Polish literature in exile after 1945

Selected publications: monograph Dynamika wariantu. Miłosz tekstologicznie (2017)

Translator of Edward Said, Jerome McGaan and Peter Shilingsburg’s texts into Polish

Affiliation: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

Research field: literature of Romanticism, Polish contemporary poetry and prose, archival studies, genetic criticism



Affiliation: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Research field: theory and practice of editing, 16th and 17th century prose, pre-modern manuscript culture, history of the book

Selected publications: monograph Krytyka tekstu na rozdrożach. Anglo-amerykańska teoria edytorstwa naukowego w drugiej połowie XX wieku, Warszawa 2017; Polish translation of

J. Bryant book The Fluid Text (Warszawa 2020)



Affiliation: University of Silesia in Katowice

Research field: theory of literature, comparative studies, Men’s Studies, genetic criticism

Selected publications: monograph Somatic Criticism Project (2018)

Functions: Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Silesia


Affiliation: Jagiellonian University

Research field: 20th and 21th century Polish literature, theory of literature, cultural comparative studies, relations between literature and music

Selected publications (monographs): Musicality of a Literary Work (2018); Music in Literature: Perspectives of Interdisciplinary Comparative Literature (2014); Comparative Literature: Literary Studies – Cultural Studies (2018)  

Affiliation: The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Department of Contemporary Literature Documentation)

Research field: 20th century Polish literature, translation studies, Czesław Miłosz’s works, Polish-American cultural relations

Selected publications: monograph Amerykańskie powojnie Czesława Miłosza (2016)

Affiliation: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Research field:  19th and 20th century Polish literature, scholarly editing, genetic criticism, phonetic aspects of text-making process

Selected publications: monograph Rękopisy i formy. Badanie literatury jako sztuka odnajdywania pytań (2010)

Functions: Head of the Department of Textology and Editorship at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin



Affiliation: Jagiellonian University

Research field: history and theory of literature, literary criticism, translating

Selected publications: monograph Więcej niż słowa. Literatura jako forma istnienia (2019) 

Affiliation: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Research field: 20th century Polish literature, scholarly editing, diaries, genetic criticism, Andrzej Bobkowski’s works

Selected publications: monograph On an Electric Arc. Andrzej Bobkowski Writing, trans. by M. Golubiewski, Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin 2020

Affiliation: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Research field:  scholarly editing, textual and genetic criticism

Selected publications: monograph Laboratorium filologa. Rękopisy Leśmiana – studia przypadków (2020)

Affiliation: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Research field: 20th century Polish literature, scholarly editing, genetic criticism,

Selected publications: monographs Zagubiony wpośród obcych. Zygmunt Haupt — pisarz, wygnaniec, outsider (2019); Opisanie świata. Szkice o poezji Marcina Świetlickiego (2014) oraz Doświadczenia religijne w twórczości Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego (2012).

Affiliation: The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Center for Philological Studies and Scholarly Editing)

Research field: modern theatre, Stanisław Wyspiański’s works, philology 

Selected publications: monograph Od słowa od słowa. Na marginesach krytyki tekstu (2013); Polish translation of P.-M. de Biasi book Génétique des textes (2016)

Functions: Head of the Center for Philological Studies and Scholarly Editing (Polish Academy of Science), editor of the publishing series „Filologia XXI”

Affiliation: University of Warsaw, Institute of Polish Culture

Research field: 20th century Polish literature and culture, cultural studies, diaries, anthropology of writing, genetic criticism, materiality of text 

Functions: member of Steering Committee International Auto/Biography Association (IABA-Europe), member of French research groups: EUR’ORBEM (Cultures et sociétés d’Europe orientale, balkanique et médiane) and „Autobiographie et Correspondances” (ITEM, Paris), professeur invité of École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Selected publications: monograph Między zapisem a literaturą. Dziennik polskiego pisarza w XX wieku (2011); Polish translations of the texts by Ph. Lejeune

Affiliation: The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Center for Philological Studies and Scholarly Editing)

Research field: Polish romanticism, Juliusz Słowacki’s works, theory and practice of editing, digital humanities 

Functions: Head of the Center for Philological Studies and Scholarly Editing (Polish Academy of Science), editor of the publishing series „Filologia XXI”

Selected publications: monograph and edition Alchemia rękopisu. „Samuel Zborowski” Juliusza Słowackiego, Warszawa 2017


Affiliation: Jagiellonian Univeristy

Research field: theory of literature, modernism and post-modernism in literature, theory and practice of interpretation, postcolonial studies,

Selected publications: Polska Szeherezada. Swoje i obce z perspektywy postkolonialnej (2015); Milczenie słowa. O poezji Wisławy Szymborskiej (1996).  

University of Lodz

search field: political censorship in post-war, communist Poland and its influence on the creative process, 20th century Polish literature, genetic criticism

Selected publications: Obecny nieobecny. Krajowa recepcja Czesława Miłosza w krytyce literackiej lat pięćdziesiątych w świetle dokumentów cenzury
