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Research Team Members

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies

Research field: genetic criticism, 20th century Polish literature

Selected publications: monograph: Pracownia Herberta. Studia nad procesem tekstotwórczym (2017), essay The Unfinished Text in the Thickening Description: From Genetic Criticism to Cultural Transfer Studies (The case of Zbigniew Herbert’s „Winter Tale”), „Textual Cultures. Texts, Contexts, Interpretation”, 13:2, Fall 2020

Membership: Society for Textual Scholarship (USA), European Society for Textual Scholarship

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies

Research field: 20th century literature, avant-garde studies, contemporary literature,

Selected publications: Od metafory do urojenia. Próba patografii Tadeusza Peipera (2010)

Functions: Dean of the Faculty of Polish Studies and the Head of the Faculty’s Centre for Avant-garde Studies, editor of the English-language series Polish Studies – Transdisciplinary Perspectives published by Peter Lang


Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies

Research field: 19th and 20th century theatre, theatrical genetics (genetic studies of performance), genetic criticism

Selected publications: monograph Za kulisami. Narodziny przedstawienia w teatrze polskim XIX wieku (2016), essay Une création à deux mains dans le théâtre polonais du XIXe siècle / A Two-Handed Creation in 19th-Century Polish Theatre,  ”European Drama and Performance Studies” 2019 – 2, nr 13: The Stage and its Creative Processes, t. 1, s. 143-164; Polish translations of critique génétique classical texts.

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies

Research field: medieval, 16th and 17th centuries Polish literature, history of handwriting in Poland and Lithuania, history of cartography 

Selected publications: monograph Poeta i mapa. Jan Kochanowski a kartografia XVI wieku (2019), essays Mercator’s Lithuanian-Russian Borderlands: Russiae pars amplificata (1595) and its Polish Sources („Imago Mundi”, 2019, 2); Multiscripturality in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: New Research Approaches (transl. D.A. Frick, „East European Politics and Societies and Cultures”, 33, 2019).

Functions: Head of the Chair of Medieval and Early Modern Literature

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies

Research field: literature in perspective of aesthetics, anthropology of literature, comparative studies

Selected publications: Świat artysty. Modernistyczne estetyki tworzenia (2018), editor of the volume Światowa historia literatury polskiej. Interpretacje (2020)

Functions: Head of The International Society of Polish Studies